Backing Tracks


Karaoke backing tracks produced in a recording studio

We produce backing tracks for karaoke, in all formats and for all budgets. Or if you desire to improve the sound of your midi backing track, we produce also remix from midi file to audio. We invite you to take vision of the various followings offers.
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Improvements to render your midi files similar to the original version
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€ 20
If you desire the maximum quality of the sound of your midi file, we produce professional conversions from midi to audio. It's recorded and mixed using the best virtual sounds, with results of professional quality (very similar to the original song). We list below all the inclusive services in this offer.

•Midi file or kar file provided by you •Recording & mix with virtual professional sounds •Mastering •Audio backing track wave or mp3 •On request also in custom tonality •Guaranteed delivery in 24 hours!

Every 10 remix, next it's free.

If the backing track or the midifile you are looking for many time is unavailable, ask here the production from scratch. Arrangement and mixing of the backing track of any song. It's recorded and mixed in studio with virtual professional sounds. The result is very professional, very similar to the original song. We list below all the inclusive services in this offer

•Musical arrangement of the entire orchestra •Mastering •Recording & mix with virtual professional sounds •Audio backing track wave, mp3 or midi  •On request also in custom tonality  •Production time 4/7 working days

If the song exceed beyond 4 minutes, we require Euro 50,oo every next 30 seconds.
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